The cellar was hidden in the old house, the person accidentally opened the lock, saw such a sight, did not dare to go inside!

If you go to an old house, you want to know every inch of it. It is a different matter that the people living in such houses have knowledge of every nook and corner of it. However, sometimes it happens that the owner himself does not know that there is some mysterious basement or hidden place in the house, which has never been used. Same thing happened with a person also.

On social media, he told about such an incident that happened to him, after listening to which you will feel like a film story. The man himself had been living in this house for only 5 years but his parents already owned the house. While living in this historical house, no one ever paid attention to this place, where there was a hidden golden lock.

Golden lock found in the house, as soon as it was opened…
Describing this incident on Reddit, the person wrote that he was present in his dining room. There he saw two stones on a gray wall in front. These were placed in such a way that they could be removed easily. When he went to remove the stone, he saw a golden colored lock beneath it. Surprised to see the lock, the man turned it and as soon as he turned it, the wall opened like a door. Behind the secret door was a small and completely dark room. The man saw the room but could not muster the courage to go inside.

People said – Brother, run away from home!
Whoever saw this video was shocked. Some users also commented on this and said that this is really scary. One user wrote – This is a sweet murder room brother. Another user said – If it were me, I would have left the house and run away. Well, let us tell you that there have been many such cases from UK, in which people were not aware of the secrets hidden in their own homes and they suddenly discovered them.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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