The colour of rivers in this country is turning saffron, is the whole world going to change?

The world is changing rapidly. The effect of climate change is so much that now along with humans and animals, rivers are also being affected by it. Recently a research has been published in the journal Nature Earth and Environment. According to this research, the color of rivers and waterfalls in the US state of Alaska is changing. Scientists believe that this may be due to climate change.

Research done at 75 places

Scientists chose 75 places in Alaska to do this research. During this research, the National Park Service, University of California at Davis and American geologists found that the color of the water of Alaska’s rivers and waterfalls is changing. The color of this water is turning orange. Scientists believe that this may be due to the poisonous minerals coming out due to melting of permafrost.

In fact, when permafrost melts, iron, zinc, copper and lead buried in it for thousands of years start coming out. Because of this, the color of water changes many times. Sometimes due to this the colour of water becomes red and sometimes orange. In Alaska, most of the water is turning orange. A few days ago, the colour of water of a pond on an island in Hawaii suddenly turned pink.

What is this permafrost?

Permafrost means a layer permanently frozen under the ground in which many types of minerals are also present along with soil. Usually this layer is frozen with ice, but when the ice melts due to warm environment, many types of minerals also start coming out along with water. These minerals flow with water and get mixed in the nearby water sources, due to which the colour of water changes.

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