The couple first won a lottery of lakhs, then did wonders in 3 weeks, won crores together with neighbors

Who doesn’t want to win the lottery? Who doesn’t want to find the ‘formula’ that will help them win the lottery again and again? But something like this happened in the UK recently. A couple who won the lottery twice in less than 3 weeks has something similar to say. After doing so, the couple from Britain attributed their success to an easy, legal trick, which they say anyone can do. Not only this, they won the lottery the second time with their neighbors, and everyone divided the amount among themselves.

Neil and Hayley, both from Darwen, Lancashire, UK, won £30,000 or Rs 33 lakh 22 thousand by signing up for the People’s Postcode Lottery three months ago. The couple had recently moved into their new home when they decided to try their luck.

Anybody can try it
“We bought the house three months ago. I got a reward of Rs 11,000 the first month and now Rs 33,22,000,” said electrician Neil. Three weeks later, the couple’s postcode came up again, giving them another, slightly smaller, cash prize, reports Birmingham Live. The couple believes there is a simple reason behind their luck, which anyone can try.

It is being claimed that the lottery can be won easily and legally. (Symbolic picture: Canva)

“We started playing as soon as we arrived,” Neil said. Playing the lottery has not only provided Neil and Hayley with a nice cash cushion during a cost-of-living crisis, it has also strengthened the community on their street. The couple, who live in Spring Vale Garden Village, celebrated in their street after their first win.

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Then this quiet residential street turned into a big party when 18 residents together won a huge amount of 540,000 pounds i.e. 5 crore 98 lakh rupees. Everyone in the neighborhood is very happy. Neighbor Emma said, “It’s amazing to win with your neighbors. We were all talking to each other, and it has really brought the street together.” Many residents of the street will spend their winnings on holidays.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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