The couple was in deep sleep, suddenly strange sounds started coming from the kitchen, when they woke up they were shocked!

It is said that morning dreams come true. In such a situation, if someone sees a scary dream early in the morning, it is natural for him to lose sleep. The same thing happened with a couple, who woke up at 5 in the morning, however, the reason for waking up was not a dream, but a strange experience (Weird sounds from kitchen oven). The couple was sleeping comfortably in their house, when suddenly strange sounds started coming from the kitchen. When the couple went and saw, the sound was coming from the chimney or vent of the oven kept in the kitchen. When he looked inside it, he was shocked.

The couple saw a cat inside. (Photo: Reddit)

People often share interesting things and stories related to their everyday life on the social media platform Reddit. Recently on the Reddit group r/cats, user @SoCalChrisW mentioned a strange but funny incident that happened in his house (Couple heard strange noise from kitchen), knowing which they were shocked, but you will also be shocked and laugh later. Will also come. It so happened that suddenly one morning the man’s wife woke up due to sounds coming from the kitchen. When she went to the kitchen, she found that the sounds were coming from the vent of the oven kept there. The vent or chimney is the place from which the heat of the oven comes out.

With great difficulty he could take out the cat. (Photo: Reddit)

cat inside the vent
She immediately woke up her husband and told everything. By 5:30 in the morning the person had removed the vent hood and fan. Only then did they realize that the strange sounds were actually the sounds of a cat, which sounded terrifying because of its resonance. After hours of trying, the person took the cat out. Seeing it, he fell in love so much that he adopted the cat. He has shared a photo of the cat inside the vent in which its eyes are shining. Apart from this, some pictures have been shared even after being taken out.

People reacted to the post
This post of the person is going viral. One said that he did a great job by keeping the cat. One asked how she climbed up there? One said that the cat was looking very beautiful.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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