The date of doomsday has arrived! When the world will end, scientists told how the cataclysm will come

The date of doomsday has arrived on earth! Scientists, after long research, told which day will be when the whole world will end. Not a single human being or animal will survive on earth. Even trees and plants will be destroyed. There will be a scene of devastation all around. Destruction is destruction. None of us will be there to see all this. However, don’t be afraid. Nothing is going to happen so soon. There is still a lot of time left for this. But know why scientists are saying this?

According to the Daily Mail report, scientists from Bristol University conducted this research using computer simulation technology. Tried to know that if the situation on earth remains as it is today, then when will the apocalypse occur. The results were shocking. It was revealed that a cataclysm may occur on Earth 250 million years from now. Then humans and all living creatures will be extinct. Scientists estimate that at that time the Earth’s temperature will reach 70 degrees Celsius. It will be impossible for any living being to survive in this temperature. All mammals will be destroyed. It is also claimed that due to the speed with which we are emitting carbon, this time may come sooner. It is possible that destruction may occur as early as 66 million years ago. This will be the first mass extinction after the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Humans will not be able to remove body heat
Dr. Alexander Farnsworth, head of the research team, said that at that time the level of carbon dioxide on Earth could be double what it is today. Due to this, the person will not be able to remove body heat through sweat. The body will heat up rapidly and he will die. Then all the continents of the Earth will come together to form a supercontinent, which will be known as Pangea Ultima. The earth will become donut-shaped and there will be an ocean in the middle.

the pacific ocean will drown the earth
Scientists said, the Pacific Ocean will submerge most of the earth. Then the earth will first become hot, then dry and finally it will become uninhabitable. There will be continuous volcanic eruptions. Most of the earth will be covered with its lava. This will emit a large amount of carbon dioxide. It will become difficult for people to breathe. All sources of food will be destroyed. But this time is still a long time coming.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, The news is coming, Weird news

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