The depths of the ocean astonished everyone, this animal looks exactly like an alien, it is named ‘sea cucumber’!

While looking for aliens, people keep looking for signals coming from distant space. But sometimes the world of the deep ocean also surprises in this matter. The strange world of the oceans has always been a subject of mystery for scientists. Now a new collection of rare and alien-like species lurking on the sea floor has surprised scientists. Marine scientists researching the Clarion-Clipperton region of the Pacific Ocean between Mexico and Hawaii have now discovered marine animals that were never seen before.

.These creatures were living a very isolated and unknown life, covered by the permanent darkness of the abyssopelagic. “These regions are the least explored regions of the Earth. It is estimated that only one in ten animal species living here has been described by science,” marine ecologist Thomas Dahlgren of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden said, as reported by Science Alert.

He said, “This is one of the very few cases where researchers can be involved in the discovery of new species and ecosystems in the same way they did in the 18th century. It’s very exciting.” Scientists spotted these organisms when a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) was sent into the Clarion-Clipperton zone between 3,500 and 5,500 meters (11,480 and 18,045 feet) by the UK National Oceanography Centre’s Seabed Mining and Resilience to Experimental Impact (SMARTEX) mission.

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