The diamond mine over which even a bird flew and disappeared, the story behind it is interesting

You must have heard a lot about the Bermuda Triangle. Even must have seen many movies. Those who do not know about it, let us tell them that Bermuda Triangle is such a place that any plane flying over it suddenly crashes. But this is not the only place in the world where such accidents happen. There is such a diamond mine in the Siberian region of Russia that everything that flies over it suddenly gets inside it. Today we will tell you the story of this mysterious diamond mine and also what is the scientific reason behind it.

Where is this mine

This diamond mine is in the Siberian province of Russia. This mine in eastern Russia is such a huge pit with a depth of 1722 feet and a width of 3900 feet, which is just 280 miles from the Arctic Circle. There is a village near this mine whose name is Marni. The people of this village consider this mine as cursed. They believe that when scientists excavated this mine to extract diamonds from here, many laborers died in it. After which this mine became cursed and for this reason anything that passes over it gets inside it.

What is its relation with the Second World War p>

This diamond mine is related to the Second World War. In fact, when Russia became financially poor after the Second World War and started trying to stand back again, it thought of excavating all kinds of precious elements present under the Russian land. Meanwhile, a team of some geologists told the Russian government that there could be a diamond mine at this place. After which Stalin, the dictator ruler of Russia, ordered to dig here. Laborers worked day and night digging here in bone-chilling winter and finally found a diamond mine.

Many diamonds came out here

Many precious diamonds came out of this mysterious mine. During the year 1960, diamonds started being found here. During the first decade, about one crore carats of diamonds came out here every year. Some of these were lemon yellow diamonds of 342.57 carats. Whose cost is very high in the whole world.

Accidents started happening after the year 2004

This mine was running well till the year 2004. But due to a flood in the year 2004, it had to be closed suddenly. Since then, small aircrafts and helicopters flying over this mine were suddenly attracted towards it and started merging into this mine. It is said that if a helicopter or aircraft flies below 1000 feet from this mine, then this mine swallows it. The mine was reopened in 2009, but was closed after another flood in 2017 that killed more than 140 workers.

Why does this happen

It is told by scientists that the secret behind everything that flies over this mine gets absorbed in it is the mixing of cold and hot air here. The mixing of cold and warm air creates a powerful center of attraction here, due to which it pulls the things flying above it inside.

Also read: That hotel with 105 rooms where no one stays…! The reason is interesting

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