The elephant ran away in fear on seeing the goat, went and hid near the mother! You will laugh a lot after watching the video of weak hearted Gajraj.

Elephant is said to be the largest animal on earth. Even the king of the jungle trembles because of him. If a huge elephant wants, it can destroy everything in one go. He is so strong that within a few minutes he can uproot even the strongest tree and can crush anything under his feet. But you must have never seen such an animal in fear before. The animal from which even the lion is afraid, that animal was seen running away from the creature in such a way that you cannot even imagine.

The video of such a timid elephant is going viral on Instagram elephantsofworld. Where he started running away in fear after seeing the goat. And the baby elephant hid after running to its mother. You will laugh a lot seeing the huge animal getting scared like this. The video got more than 70,000 likes.

baby elephant scared of goat
In the viral video, a baby elephant is seen passing by. Only then his eyes fell on the black colored goat on the right hand. But no one could have thought that on seeing the goat, that baby elephant would get so excited that it would run to its mother and hide. Yes, in the viral video, the baby elephant ran away on seeing the goat in such a way that it stopped straight after going to the mother. Seeing him scared like this, instead of feeling pity, you will start laughing. Because what harm could a creature like a goat do to an elephant. Still don’t know why that baby elephant was so scared of the goat.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Amazing wildlife video, Good news

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