The excavation was going on, two skeletons collided with the shovel, then a 2 thousand year old secret came to light…

Have you ever thought that we do not know anything about the people who lived a thousand or two thousand years ago and perhaps even people who have lived the same number of years from now will not know much about us. In such a situation, when we find something that brings history to us, we want to know about it with interest. One such mystery came in front of archaeologists during excavation.

According to the report of Daily Star, scientists were surprised during excavation in Pompeii when they found two skeletons. Both these skeletons were buried in a room and looking at them, it seemed that these were the skeletons of a woman and a man, who had died due to some disaster in the room. The surprising thing is that some valuable things were found with them even after their death.

Life was lost while battling with death
It is being told that this incident must have happened in 79 AD, when the volcano named Vesuvius erupted. This couple must have taken shelter in this room to save themselves during this time. According to the researchers, their age was between 35 to 45 years and they had also taken some belongings with them while running away during the disaster. The woman died while lying on the bed, while the man died after being buried under the wall. They must have taken shelter here to avoid the rain of pumice stones but they could not survive. Among the two, the man died first and the woman must have been waiting for her death while lying on the bed.

Some valuables were also present with him
The couple had also kept some belongings with them at the last moment. A bunch of iron keys was found near the woman, while she was also wearing a talisman worn during the birth of children. She was wearing pearl earrings. Some gold, silver and bronze coins were also found near her, which were near the skeleton.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Bizarre news, Viral news

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