The fad of getting plastic surgery on the mother of 4 children! Something happened in the hospital that the family is now regretting

Sucreta Tolliver, a resident of Chicago (Chicago Usa), was admitted to a hospital in the Dominican Republic on 12 December for cosmetic surgery. Tolliver’s daughter, Maria Price, says that she started bleeding soon after the surgery. Doctors tried and got admitted in another hospital. Price said, I spoke to him on the phone the night before he passed away. She was in a lot of pain. She was feeling such severe pain that she could not even talk and the news of her death came in the morning. I would tell everyone to stay away from such things if it is not very necessary.

Cause of death was internal bleeding
In the certificate given to the family by the hospital, the cause of death was said to be internal bleeding. No other reason was given. When the family wanted more information, the hospital refused to give it. Now the family members are demanding an inquiry from the US government and the FBI. On the other hand, people in Chicago are angry about this. Socrates Tolliver’s brother, William, said the only way that what happened to him should be known to everyone so that no one else would die.

what could be the reason
According to doctors, it is very rare for people to die due to complications after plastic surgery, but the first 24 hours after the operation are critical. Patients need to be kept under observation for that period. According to a global study, there is a possibility of only 20 deaths per one lakh patients. Death in such cases may be due to a drug reaction, an allergic reaction to antibiotics, or a severe reaction to the effects of anesthesia or a heart attack.

An actress died in Bangalore
Recently, rising television actress Chetna Raj also died after plastic surgery in a hospital in Bangalore. The victim’s family has alleged medical negligence for a ‘fat removal’ surgery procedure at a cosmetic centre. Chetna Raj made her mark with roles in serials like ‘Doresani’ and ‘Geeta’.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, trending news, Viral news

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