The film is the story of a female police officer, orphaned at the age of 9, finds her father’s murderer after 25 years

When there is a death in someone’s family, people can console them but no one can feel that pain. For some people, this pain becomes so terrible that they are unable to live peacefully for years. At the same time, some people do not feel peace without taking revenge. Today we will tell you the story of one such girl, who became a police officer to punish her father’s murderer.

We have seen the hero avenging his father’s death in many Bollywood films. However, today we are going to tell you the story of the female police officer, who became a hero in real life and caught her father’s murderer with her own hands.

This is not a Bollywood movie, this is the real story
The story of a female police officer from Brazil is no less than a brilliant script of a Bollywood film. The only difference is that this is not a tinge of romance and action but a true story of a girl’s struggle. Givaldo José Vicente de Deus, resident of Boa Vista, Brazil, was murdered in a bar in February 1999. Raimundo Alves Gomes and Givaldo argued over borrowed money and Gomes shot Givaldo. After this incident he ran away and was never caught by the police. When Givaldo died, he left behind 5 children and his wife, who could not recover from this grief.

If you have daughters then they should be like this…
At that time, Givaldo’s eldest daughter was 9 years old. He not only helped his mother in raising his siblings during the days of struggle but also continued his studies. At the age of 18, she studied law and became a lawyer, but her passion was to punish her father’s murderer. She left her job and started working hard to become a police officer. On July 19, 2024, she took the examination and became a State Police Investigator. She took up the posting where she could catch her father’s killer and within two months of the job, Gomes was behind bars. This female police officer named Gislayne told her truth to Gomes and as soon as the family got the news, they too felt relieved that the criminal finally reached the jail. Gomes was jailed for 12 years, with 7 more years remaining.

Tags: Bizarre news, trending news, Viral news

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