The Gender Gap Index report reveals that women in India are earning less than men

Gender Gap Index Report 2024: Despite all the efforts, the gender gap between men and women in India is not reducing. On June 12, the World Economic Forum released the data of the Global Gender Gap Index, which revealed a shocking fact. India has fallen two points to 129th position in the list of 146 countries. On the other hand, Sudan, which is going through a period of war, has replaced the Taliban-ruled country Afghanistan from the last rank and made its place.

Let us tell you that the reason for Afghanistan being removed from the last rank was its non-inclusion in the World Economic Forum’s data. Apart from Afghanistan, Myanmar, Russia and Malawi have also not been included in the World Economic Forum (WEF) index. Talking about South Asia, Pakistan’s performance has been the worst. While Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Bhutan have been ahead of India.

Indian women earn less than men
Even though a lot of talk has been made about women empowerment in India, the statistics are telling something else. India has reached the lowest level of countries in terms of economic gender equality. Economic inequality in India is 39.8 percent.

This means that in India, if men earn Rs 100 for this work, then women are earning Rs 39.8 less on average. The report also states that India, which has a population of more than 140 crore, had a gender gap of 64.1 percent in 2024. While India’s economic equality score is improving.

Bangladesh’s economic gender equality is the lowest at 31.1. Apart from these two countries, Iran has economic gender equality of 34.3%, Pakistan 36% and Morocco 40.6%.

The WEF report says that reducing the financial inequality and opportunity gap between men and women is the second biggest challenge in tackling the global gender gap.

Iceland tops in gender equality
If we look at the report on gender equality, Iceland has been the best country in the world in the WEF list this year. Gender equality is the highest here. Norway and Finland are ranked next to it. The United Kingdom is ranked 14th, Denmark 15th and South Africa 18th.

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