The girl is allergic to water, she feels bad as soon as she touches it, people asked – how do you take bath?

There are different types of people in the world and they have their own physical problems. Some problems are easily managed, but some are so difficult that they make daily life hell. A girl named AB has a similar problem, who is allergic to water. A girl can drink water but she can bathe to her heart’s content.

It is said that water and air are two essential things for humans. Imagine, if someone becomes allergic to just one of these important things, how much of a problem would it be? A girl named AB has told in Truly channel’s Born Different series that she is allergic to ordinary water. As soon as she touches water, her condition becomes such that she becomes in agony.

The girl is allergic to water
A girl named Abby has a strange allergy to water. She can drink water but cannot go into the water. As soon as it comes in contact with water, there is a terrible reaction on its skin. As soon as water falls on the skin, swelling, itching, rashes and burning sensation occur. This is very painful. She takes bath only once a week, and that too very frequently so that she does not have to stay in water for long. His pain starts increasing if he stays in water even for a short time.

What is this disease?
Actually, AB has a condition called Aquagenic Urticaria, which gives her reaction as soon as water falls on her body. This is not a common disease, one in 200 million people across the world has this strange allergic reaction. She told in the show that at the age of 16, she felt this reaction for the first time, which was difficult to accept. However, later he learned to live with this situation.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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