The girl’s hands were trembling, it was difficult to even eat, the boy left his girlfriend to go to help, he got such a punishment!

Many times we get to see such scenes around us, which surprise us. We are unable to understand what is happening? Sometimes we come forward to help, and sometimes we are unable to help even if we want to. In this era of social media, many people also do such experiments and see who came forward to help. At the same time, many times such incidents are captured on camera. One such video is becoming increasingly viral on Instagram, in which a couple was sitting inside a restaurant. Suddenly the boy’s eyes went to a girl sitting next to him, whose hands were shaking rapidly. Due to shaking hands, the girl was not able to take even one bite of the burger to her mouth.

For a long time, the boy kept looking at the girl who was struggling to eat. The boy also told his girlfriend about the girl, but she was not interested in helping. Seeing the video, it seems that the boy’s fiancée is saying that what difference does it make, she will eat as she wants. But the boy explains to her again that she is not able to eat. There is some problem. He asks his girlfriend to help the girl, but she refuses. In such a situation, after a while, the boy gets up and comes to the girl’s seat. He looks at the girl and sits on the chair next to her. He picks up the girl’s burger with his hand and starts feeding it to her mouth. But the girl’s hands are constantly trembling.

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