The husband has bathed only 6 times since marriage, he used to do the work by sprinkling Ganga water, angry wife left the in-laws

Agra: You can guess from this one case how weak the bond of relationships is becoming in the changing times. Actually, a family counseling center was set up by the police in the Agra Police Line ground. Where counseling is done to prevent family relationships from breaking. On Sunday, a unique case came to light in this counseling center. Where a newlywed bride accused her husband of not taking a bath.

According to the wife, since the wedding, her husband has bathed only 6 times. She has tried explaining many times but the husband does not listen. Fed up with this habit of her husband, the wife started living in her maternal home. The situation has reached to divorce. However, both of them are being counseled by a counselor.

The marriage took place just 40 days ago
This girl from Agar was married to a young man from Agra 40 days ago. After marriage, when the wife asked her husband to take a bath, he started avoiding it. When the wife insisted, the husband poured 4 to 5 drops of Ganga water on his body. When this continued, the wife complained about her husband to her in-laws. After which she went to her maternal home.

Complaint lodged with the police!
The wife went to her parents’ house and filed a complaint against her husband with the police. The wife said that her husband beats her every day and harasses her for dowry. The police transferred the case to the family counselling centre. When the counsellors called the husband and wife, the wife accused the husband of beating her and also of not taking a bath. She told the counsellors that it has been 40 days since their marriage and till now her husband has bathed only six times. He is always dirty and when she asks him to take a bath, he beats her. When the counsellors questioned the husband, he told that he sprinkles Gangajal on his body and takes a bath whenever he gets time.

Wife placed a unique condition!
Now counsellor Dr. Satish Khirwar told that when the husband and wife were made to sit and counselled, the wife put forth a unique condition. The wife has said that she will not live with her husband until he takes a bath daily. The husband should write in writing in front of the police and counsellors that he will take a bath daily, only then will she go with him. Now the next date has been given to both of them, on the next date, the work of convincing both of them will be done again.

Tags: husband and wife, Local18

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