The lawyer had gone for darshan, he made a mistake in the donation box, blessings started pouring in, he thanked with folded hands!

It is said that no matter how right or wrong a person is, he should keep his mind pure while bowing before God. However, now the world has changed so much that people cheat even God in temples. They do not care whether they are doing right or wrong.

Today, the story of such a person has come from the neighboring country China. Usually, the responsibility of enforcing the law lies with the police and the responsibility of conveying it to the people lies with the lawyers. Here, a person who knew the law broke the law, and that too not anywhere else, but directly in front of God. If you know the whole incident, you will be stunned at how impudent this man is.

I cheated God!
According to the report of South China Morning Post, this incident is from Shanxi province of China. Here a person who graduated from a top university even cheated God. He went to many provinces of South-West China and visited Buddhist monasteries and temples. After this, he did not wait for God’s grace but secretly pasted his QR code on the donation box present there. He did this in many temples and no one could even see it. In this way, he got 30 thousand yuan i.e. about 3.5 lakh rupees deposited in his account instead of the temple.

He did such a fraud that blessings started pouring down on him!
His secret could not be hidden for long. Finally, the police of Shanxi province got the footage of him, in which he had reached Famen temple. Here he visited Mahatma Buddha and bowed down and placed his QR on the temple code. Then he was seen praying to God several times by bowing down with folded hands. Not only this, he also put a note in the donation box. When the police caught him through the video, it was revealed that he had done such fraud earlier also.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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