The man coughed so hard that he broke the strongest bone in his body, the doctor was surprised and asked – ‘What did you eat brother?’

The human body is such a complex thing that it is impossible to say when, where and what will happen. Sometimes the body gets affected by even the biggest of things and sometimes it happens that we suffer a big loss due to a small thing. Something similar happened with a person, whose strongest bone in the body broke due to a simple cough.

According to a report by Oddity Central, a man broke the strongest bone in the body, that too while coughing. When doctors came to know about this incident, they could not believe that this could happen just because of coughing. Let us tell you about this entire incident, which will surprise you too.

Broken thigh bone while coughing
A strange case came to the doctors of Second People’s Hospital in Fujian province of China. Here the thigh bone of a 35-year-old man broke just by coughing. The doctors of the orthopedics department were stunned that how the bone considered to be the strongest in the body broke just by coughing at such a young age? For this, the doctor first got an X-ray done, in which it became clear that the bone was broken, then he wanted to know about the lifestyle of the man, which made his strong bone so weak. It was also interesting that in the bone density test, the age of the man was as that of an 80-year-old man.

Cold drink did this
When all the tests were done, it was found that he had no bone disease but the soft drink Coke was responsible for weakening his bones. He used to drink a lot of cold drinks, eat bad food and did not exercise. The doctors improved his diet and advised him to drink water instead of cold drinks so that his body could absorb calcium. The doctors told him that such drinks contain phosphoric acid, which prevents calcium from entering the body. This is the reason why bones become so weak.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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