The man had asked for a cigarette but he didn’t give it, so the woman torched his car. Watch the crazy video

More than one video keeps going viral on social media. Sometimes we see something which teaches us something new and sometimes we also find such things which we do not believe that anyone can do. One such video is currently going viral, in which the incident happening is very strange.

You must have seen many people who are so crazy that they do not think about the consequences before doing any work. The same can be seen in this video also. The woman asked a person in front of her for a cigarette, to which he refused. He had no idea that instead the woman would burn his car parked at the petrol pump.

Didn’t give cigarette, then burnt the car
In the video going viral, you can see that a person is standing at the petrol pump. He is filling petrol in his car. Meanwhile, a woman comes and asks him for a cigarette. What the angry woman did when the man refused to give her a cigarette was horrifying. She returns and sets petrol on fire with a lighter and sets the car on fire. Seeing this the person gets badly scared and runs away from there. However, the car starts burning.

People said – ‘Send him to jail’
The video has been shared on the social media platform Twitter with an account named @PicturesFoIder. More than 9.7 million i.e. 97 lakh people have seen it so far, while thousands of people have also liked it. Commenting on the video, people wrote – This woman should be sent to jail immediately. Whereas some people have called it Khatrana Revenge.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral video news, Viral Video on Social Media

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