The man was cutting a frozen burger, then his hand slipped and the knife went into his stomach! You will be shocked to know what happened next!

Accidents can happen to anyone at any time. Sometimes such strange accidents happen that people cannot believe it after knowing about it. One such incident happened with a person living in Britain, who died in such a strange condition that even the police started suspecting whether it was a murder! However, the police have called it an accident. The man went to eat a burger (Man cutting burger die by knife) but he died. The knife with which he was eating the burger entered his stomach. But the story is not just this, what happened after that is even more shocking.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, Barry Griffiths was 57 years old and used to live alone in his house in Llandrindod Wells, Wales. A few days ago, he felt very hungry, so he took out a burger from the fridge and went to eat it. Due to freezing, two burgers had stuck together. Barry used a knife to separate them. He was cutting the burger from the middle with a knife, but then his hand slipped and the knife entered the stomach.

The man lived alone in the house. (Photo: WALES NEWS SERVICE)

mysterious death
Due to this, he died. But since he lived alone, no one came to know that he had died. His dead body remained in the house for many days. The blood of the body was spread in the kitchen and his bedroom. The police were quite surprised to see this mysterious death. After investigation, they came to the conclusion that the man died due to the burger meal. Detective Chief Inspector Jonathan Rais says that the lower drawer of the freezer was open in such a way that the food could be taken out.

Such a thing was found out in the post mortem
Two raw burgers, a knife and a tea towel were kept on the kitchen counter. The wound in the stomach was of the same height as the kitchen counter. It was assumed that he was trying to cut the knife with a lot of force, when the knife hit him. The post mortem report also revealed that the knife mark on the stomach was the reason for his death. Let us tell you that this incident is of July last year. His dead body was lying in the house for more than 1 week. His phone, wallet, and other household items were in their place, there was no tampering with them. During investigation, the police found out that Barry had suffered a stroke some time ago, after which he could use only one hand.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Viral video, Weird news

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