The milk of every animal is white, then why is the milk of this animal black

Milk is used in most of the houses in India. Cow or buffalo milk is especially ordered for the houses. The milk that comes to the houses is used for tea, coffee and drinking milk. Apart from this, other animals including goat also give milk. But do you know which animal’s milk is black? Yes, the milk of most animals is white, but today we are going to tell you about an animal whose milk is black. 


Humans use cow and buffalo milk the most. In homes, especially children and elders are fed cow milk more, it is beneficial for health. Just as good food is very important for a healthy life, in the same way milk is most important for the nutrition of any child. This milk can be of the child’s mother or of cow or buffalo. Doctors also recommend drinking milk, but when it comes to the colour of milk, most people say that the colour of milk is white, apart from this you must have also seen milk of light yellow colour. But have you ever seen black coloured milk? Maybe you haven’t. 

Black coloured milk 

Very few people would have seen black milk. Let us tell you that black coloured milk is of female black rhinoceros. They are also called African black rhinoceros. Now the question is why is their milk black. The milk of a mother rhinoceros is like water and contains only 0.2 percent fat. According to a report, this thin milk may have some connection with the slow reproduction cycle of animals. Black rhinoceros are capable of reproduction only after reaching the age of four to five years. Apart from this, their pregnancies are also longer than women. According to information, their pregnancies last for more than a year. After the birth of the child, they stay together for about two years to raise their children.

According to the report, in a study of 2013, Skibiel’s team found that the species that breastfeed for a long time, their milk has less fat and protein. It is believed that this is the reason why so little fat is found in the milk of black rhinoceros.

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