The mystery of ‘Doors of Hell’ revealed, scientists told why people die as soon as they go inside, the truth came out after centuries

There is an ancient temple in the city of Hierapolis in Turkey, which is called the ‘Gate of Hell’. Because it is believed that whoever goes inside this cave never returns alive. If anyone enters this temple, his body is not found. Even if animals and birds enter into it, they die. That is why it is also known as ‘Gate to Hell’. Some people also call it the path to Hades. This is the reason why people are afraid to go to this place since ancient Roman and Greek times. But now scientists have claimed to solve this mystery.

According to the report of Daily Star, ancient Greek geographer Strabo also came here. He has told about this in his 2000 year old book ‘Geographica’. It is written that this is a small cave. It’s so foggy inside that you can barely see the ground. The creatures that are sent into it die. When Strabo released the sparrows into it, they died within a few seconds. The bulls that are sent into it immediately fall down and after death they are pulled back. But legend also has it that the priests who were made impotent and sent there to die, returned alive. On this Strabo said, perhaps this happens because he was made impotent.

used for sacrifice
According to ancient folklore, the ‘Gate to Hell’ was allegedly used to sacrifice animals. In this, birds, bulls and other animals were seen as symbols of gods. You can see skeletons of birds on the ruins of the temple. There are inscriptions of gods on the pillars. This myth remained for centuries, but now scientists have revealed its secret. A team of scientists conducted its scientific survey. Excavator Francesco DeAndrea said that we saw very surprising things. There is a hot spot here, where many birds died as soon as they reached there. When we started investigating it, the reality came to light.

What did the team of scientists see
In 2018, a team led by volcanologist Hardy Pfannz of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany conducted an in-depth investigation. It was found that the level of carbon dioxide is very high here. As the night was progressing, the level of C02 was increasing. This was the time when small animals were thrown inside. Scientists say that poisonous carbon dioxide gas continuously comes out from under the temple. This is the reason why humans, animals and birds die as soon as they come in contact with it. The most dangerous time to visit this temple is early morning, when the gas in the cave keeps increasing throughout the night. It decreases during the day because the gas is reduced by sunlight.

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