The only airline in the world where air hostesses were seen in bikinis, know where the service is available!

Recently, an airline named Delta (Delta Airline Undergarments) has created a controversy. This airline company has made such rules for its air hostesses, which sound very strange. The strangest of these is the instruction to wear undergarments. The company issued a 2-page memo and asked the air hostesses to wear such undergarments which are not visible. Along with this, it has also asked to pay special attention to the way of doing hair, makeup, jewelry etc. The company has issued many other guidelines like skirt should be below the knees. On one hand, there is a company which is giving such instructions to its employees, on the other hand, there is an airline company in existence, in which air hostesses were once made to wear bikinis (Bikini Airline). This airline was known in the world as Bikini Airlines.

Viet Jet Airlines was also known as Bikini Airlines. (Photo: Instagram/bikiniairlineofficial)

The name of this airline company is VietJet airline. When this airline company started, it created a stir in the world. Air hostesses were seen wearing bikinis in the planes of this company. However, now the company has completely changed its policy and the clothes of the air hostesses are also not as bold as before. The company was started in 2011. It became the most popular airline company of Vietnam. Vietnamese businesswoman Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao started it.

Now the company has changed the dress of the air hostesses. (Photo: Instagram/bikiniairlineofficial)

There were allegations of insulting women
Earlier this company was a domestic flight company of Vietnam. With time it expanded. The airlines were accused of insulting women. Seeing the growing controversy, Vietnam Aviation Authority also imposed a fine of 62 thousand rupees on the company. When its flights started to other countries, they felt that their name would be tarnished with such an image. Since then they have also changed their clothes.

The dress has changed
These days, this company is in the news because of its huge discounts. This company provides its services in Thailand, India, and many other countries. You can also travel to Vietnam or Thailand from India through this. Now flight attendants wear t-shirts and shorts. A few days ago, an offer of the company was in the news, under which they were sending passengers from India to Vietnam for just 9 rupees.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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