The only plant in the world which has lips! You’ll be in the mood to kiss as soon as you see it!

There are many things in the world which are extremely shocking. There are many such creatures, after seeing which for once it seems that even God is so creative. One of such creative things is the world’s most unique plant. As soon as one sees this plant, anyone will feel like kissing it. Now you might be wondering how one can feel like kissing a plant? The answer is related to its looks.

We are talking about the Hooker Plant. Scientifically it is called sychotria elata. The most special thing about this plant is its appearance. Actually, they look like lips. Yes, looking at this plant it seems as if it has lips applied with red lipstick. These lips are like the ones most girls dream of. These full lips look very attractive.

attract birds
These plants easily attract birds because of their red color. Because of this, these plants get help in pollination. These plants are found in South Africa and Central Africa. However, now its extinctions are also coming. Because of this, many NGOs have come forward to protect them. This tree looks very beautiful and attractive in appearance.

girls jealous
The picture of this plant was shared on social media. From where it came into the public eye. After seeing this picture, many people commented on it. A female user wrote that to get such lips one has to undergo many surgeries. While one wrote that he wants such lips.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, The news is coming, Weird news

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