The palace was being cleaned, such a bathroom was found inside, a 2300 year old secret was revealed, even the scientist was stunned to see it

There are countless secrets hidden underground. Whenever these come out, they fill us with surprise. Something similar has happened this time. Archaeologists found a luxurious palace during excavations in Greece, in which a 2300 year old secret was hidden. During cleaning, it was found that there was a room inside the palace, which was used by Alexander the Great as a bathroom. Here he used to bathe with his childhood friend and alleged lover Hephaestion. Scientists were shocked to see this.

According to the report of Daily Mail, the Egai Palace spread over 15,000 square meters is quite beautiful. It also has courtyard, temple, sanctuary, theatre, boxing school and tombs. This palace is being described as a symbol of the golden age. After the assassination of King Philip II, it was here that his 20-year-old son Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander, was crowned. Now the palace is being renovated, in which this bathroom was seen. It has been made by cutting rock.

always lived with sikander
Hephaestion was called second-in-command because he was Alexander’s favorite. He always stayed with Sikandar. Used to go on trips with him. Both of them were trained in fighting and wrestling as well as hunting. According to the scientist, his bedroom has not been identified yet. Alexander was one of the most ambitious military commanders. He had announced to conquer the whole world. He wanted to call himself the king of the whole world.

Aristotle trained him
The world-famous philosopher Aristotle had trained him. He ascended the throne when his father was assassinated by one of his bodyguards during the wedding of his sister Cleopatra. He is called the world-conquering emperor, because he hoisted his victory flag from Greece to Egypt and to many countries in the Indian subcontinent. Now this palace is being renovated again. His artefacts are being decorated, so that the memories of Alexander can be kept alive.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Khabre hatke, Weird news

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