The person bought a second hand hard drive from the shop, inside was intelligence related to adult content and money!

The person bought a second hand hard drive from the shop, inside was intelligence related to adult content and money!

As technology is developing, people are abandoning the old technology. For this reason, old things are now available at low prices as well. But it is not that those things have become completely useless and useless. Even today they are used. Recently a person also bought an old and second hand hard drive secret information from inside which he got the intelligence of an unknown person who blew his senses.

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, Willhelm, a resident of Germany (German tiktoker), recently posted a video on his Tiktok account (@dankeunextgay), saying that he had found a surprising thing from inside the second-hand Apple Time Capsule. . Before telling more about the news, let us tell you that the Apple Time Capsule was a wireless router made by the Apple company through which the Internet was run. This router had a built-in hard drive, that is, space was available to save the data. In the year 2018, this service was discontinued by Apple.

Unknown person’s data found in old hard drive
Wilhelm told that he bought this time capsule for just Rs 1200 from a shopkeeper selling second hand goods. This technology is now out of date, so they got it at a very low price. When he saw the data inside this hard drive, he was shocked. Actually, in that hard drive, the earlier data of an unknown person was lying, which was from the year 1980 to 2010.

There was a lot of intelligence in the data
He told that different folders were made as backup. Which were till 2010. Seeing that data, Wilhelm came to know that that person must have actually been a top employee or CEO of a big company. It also had his search history in which adult content was visible to be opened. Apart from this, his credit card numbers, audit history, flight information etc. were present. Wilhelm came to know that person’s bank account number. He was even able to see that till one time the person had crores of rupees. He said in the video that he wants to find the real owner of this hard drive and give it to his family because he neither wants to delete this important data nor wants to see it himself.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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