The person himself sent the design of the cake, the bakery shop created a scandal, people laughed on seeing it

Till a few years back, people used to cut cakes on their birthdays. There was only one day in the year when the cake used to come home. After this, over time, cakes became an important role in different types of celebrations. Now cake cutting is done from anniversaries to weddings as well. With time the business of making cakes is also getting bigger. Earlier where there used to be small bakery shops. Now bakeries have started opening in big firms. Earlier, where people used to make simple cakes, in which only chocolate, strawberry and vanilla flavors were known, now many flavors are available in it.

Along with this, the design of making the cake has also changed. Round and heart shape are now considered boring. Now the cake is customized. That is, people get the design of the cake made according to their choice and according to themselves. The bakery hair is told as per the cake desired by the people. After this, the bakery people deliver that cake. But many times mistakes are also made by the bakery in this affair. The incident of such a funny mistake is going viral on social media.

What was needed, what did you get
On social media, a Costco customer shared the design of the cake delivered to him. As soon as this person got his cake, he stopped laughing. This cake was not at all what he wanted. The cake came completely different from the instructions he had given to the useless person. Although Baker had followed the instructions given. But more seriously. The person had forbidden to write any kind of design or anything on the cake. He only wanted red colored frosting on the border of the cake. Its layout was also drawn by the customer.

Instructions were given like this

made such a cake
The person who made the cake misunderstood the instructions. The drawing through which the layout was asked to be kept red, the person drew the same on the cake. Instead of red piping, a red piping border cake was made on the cake. When the cake was delivered, the customer laughed after seeing it. He shared its picture on social media, from where it went viral. People are laughing at the understanding of the cake maker. Now this post has got lakhs of likes.

Tags: Good news, OMG, Weird news

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