The person was staying in a luxurious hotel, suddenly a bad smell started coming, when the reality came to know, he screamed

Many times such incidents happen with tourists, which shake them. A few days ago a news had come that the tourist was sleeping in his room when a pair of snakes came and sat near him. When he opened his eyes, his condition worsened. Some similar news has come from Tibet. When a person staying in a luxurious hotel came to know the reality, he screamed.

According to media reports, Mr. Zhang, a resident of China, was very fond of traveling. He often shared his pictures on social media. One day he came to visit Lhasa in Tibet. Booked a room in a luxurious hotel. When he entered the room, he felt some foul smell. But he felt that the feet would probably stink.

screamed as soon as the feet stumbled
Zhang was tired, so he slept for 3 hours in the room. He went out for a while. When he returned after having food, he felt a stronger foul smell. He asked the hotel staff to give him another room. He got another room but after some time the hotel staff said that the room had been cleaned. You can go there if you want. He went but started crying as soon as his feet stumbled. There was a dead body under his bed.

DNA sample collected
He immediately informed the police. Police reached, took his statement. DNA sample collected. Later it came to know that the police had already arrested the killer. Because its information was already received. The person posted the entire incident on social media, which went viral in no time.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Bizarre news, OMG News, shocking news, Weird news

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