The person who saw the world 800 years ago, told what will be special this year, mark 5 dates

The person who saw the world 800 years ago, told what will be special this year, mark 5 dates

Do you believe in predictions? If you will find many such people in India, then they believe in showing the future. These people go to astrologers and get their future predicted. If we talk about science, then many scientists are trying to make a time machine. It is believed that if a time machine is made, man will be able to travel to the past and future. However, it has not been successful so far. But you will find some such people on social media, who say that they have returned from the future.

One such time traveler is in a lot of discussion these days. This person claims that he has returned from the year 2858. Also, he has seen everything that will happen in eight hundred years from now. On this basis, he shares videos of his predictions on social media. Many followers have been made in a very short time. In the past, this time traveler shared some of the incidents happening this year through a video. He told that some special things will happen in the year 2023, which he has already seen.

Lautkar’s five predictions
This person’s profile has been created in the name of @darknesstimetravel on social media. He has made thousands of followers through his posts in no time. This person tells himself to have returned from 2858. He has made five predictions for the year 2023. The person told how the world will face wormholes and mythical creatures. In his predictions, this person has made a total of five predictions for 2023. Along with these, he also told the dates when all these things would happen.

Many predictions for this year

here are those five dates
In his latest post, the person wrote that if you still doubt that I am a time traveller, then save these five dates.

– 2 April 2023: A new element will be discovered which will replace oxygen and this can increase the life span.

– 13 May 2023: Suddenly the moon will turn pink. And seeing this, a person will become blind.

– 16 June 2023: A famous celebrity will dramatize his death.

– 2 July 2023: Due to the special energy coming out of the sun, 6 people of the earth will get superpower.

– 22 September 2023: Area 51 will make its first centaur, due to which there will be many more revelations about aliens.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, Weird news

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