The place on Earth where the most aliens have been seen in 3 years! This place is full of mysteries

Whether aliens exist or not is up to those who believe. When people see something for which they do not have an answer, they associate it with aliens. Every unknown thing flying in the air is considered a UFO, while strange creatures are considered aliens. But there is also a place on earth where people claim that hundreds of aliens are seen there (Most popular UFO hotspots) and in the last 3 years it is said that the maximum number of aliens have been seen here. This place exists in America, and Area-51 is located here.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, the National UFO Reporting Center and the US Sense Bureau have received more than 1 lakh reports of alien sightings from the year 2000 to 2023. It is said that in some areas more aliens are seen and in some less aliens (Most aliens spotted in which place). The name that tops this list of American agencies is Lincoln County, Nevada of Nevada state. Here, claims have been made to see 820.9 aliens per 1 lakh citizens. Area-51 is at this place. We are mentioning Area-51 again and again, so let us first tell you what it is.

In America, it has been claimed that the maximum number of aliens have been seen in Lincoln County, where Area-51 is also present. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

What is Area-51?
An Air Force base located in the middle of the desert in Nevada, America, has been in the headlines for a long time and many rumors and strange claims keep coming to light about it. Its name is Area-51. The name Area-51 is actually given to a location on the map. This place is used as a training range by the American Air Force. People claim that there are allegedly aliens here. The US Army and NASA capture and imprison aliens and their space ships at this place. There is a ban on common citizens going to this place.

Claims of sighting of aliens in many places
Let us tell you what other places are included in their list according to the National UFO Reporting Centre. Alpine County in California, Petroleum County in Montana, and La Paz County in Arizona reported 500-600 cases between 2000 and 2023. 618.6 cases were reported in Arthur County, Nebraska, where 434 citizens live. Scientist and intelligence officer Shawn Kirkpatrick says that officials in the country’s government also believe that aliens exist.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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