The snake attacked the snake charmer, bit his teeth like this, then he himself became a doctor, took out the blade and…

The snake attacked the snake charmer, bit his teeth like this, then he himself became a doctor, took out the blade and…The snake attacked the snake charmer, bit his teeth like this, then he himself became a doctor, took out the blade and…

The video of catching snakes keeps going viral on social media every day. Such people claim that snakes should not be killed because they do not bite without any reason. However, no snake leaves anyone when teased. One such video is going viral on Instagram, in which it can be seen that a poisonous cobra snake attacks the snake charmer. He quickly sinks his teeth into the snake charmer’s hand. The grip is so strong that the snake remains hanging with its teeth stuck.

Due to this action of the snake, the condition of the snake charmer worsens. He leaves the snake from behind and holds its mouth. Then with great difficulty he loosens the grip of his teeth. After this he removes the snake’s tooth. An atmosphere of panic can be clearly seen among the people nearby. Meanwhile, a boy present there ties a rope to the snake charmer’s hand, so that the poison does not spread throughout the body. However, despite the rope being tied, the snake charmer remains afraid that the poison might spread into the body.

In such a situation, the snake charmer starts using the doctor’s tricks to save himself. He takes out a blade and slowly pierces his hands at different places. By doing this his hand starts bleeding from everywhere. By doing this the snake charmer probably tries to remove the snake’s poison from the blood. However, News18 Hindi does not confirm such things. If bitten by a snake, you should definitely tie your hands and first go to a nearby hospital.

This video has been viewed millions of times so far, which has been shared by a user named Abdullah Al Balushi. More than 17 thousand people have liked this video, while hundreds of comments have also come. One user has written that instead of cutting his hands, he should first go to the hospital. Whereas, another has written that performing the stunt went wrong. Don’t know what would have happened next with this person.

Tags: Strange strange news, Khabre hatke, OMG, Shocking news

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