The taste of biryani will pale in comparison to cashew-raisin pulao recipe, know the method?

Cashew-Raisin Pulao Recipe, We get bored of eating regular food every day. In such a situation, one feels like eating something which tastes amazing and does not take much time to prepare. That’s why we have brought for you a tasty cashew and raisin pulao recipe. This recipe is ready in a few minutes.

If you make this recipe as per our instructions then biryani lovers will also like it very much. Its sweet and sour taste will be liked by children and old people also. It will not require much material to make it. It can be prepared only with rice, cashew nuts and raisins. So, let us know how to make Kaju Raisin Pulao Recipe?

Ingredients for Cashew Raisin Pulao:

Half cup rice, 10-15 pieces of cashews, 10 to 15 raisins, cardamom powder, cloves, black pepper powder, half teaspoon cumin, one red chilli, 2 teaspoons ghee, salt as per taste.

How to make Cashew Raisin Pulao?
First step: First of all, take half a cup of rice, wash it and cook it in the cooker. When the rice is cooked, remove the lid of the cooker and take out the rice in a big vessel.

Second step: Now keep a pan on the gas. When the gas becomes hot, add 2 spoons of ghee in it. Now temper the ghee with red chilli, 2 cloves and half teaspoon cumin. When they become light golden, add 10-15 pieces of cashews and 10 to 15 raisins. Fry them until they turn golden.

Third step: When cashews and raisins turn golden, mix cooked rice in it. Keep in mind that the rice grains should be separate. Now mix them well. Now add half teaspoon cardamom powder, half teaspoon black pepper powder and salt as per taste. Mix all these together well. Your cashew raisin pulao is ready. Serve it hot.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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