The teacher stopped him from wearing shorts, the 13-year-old boy got angry and came to school wearing a girl’s skirt!

In summer, it is very difficult to go out of the AC-cooled rooms and go to work. Be it children or adults, everyone wants to have the convenience of going to office or school. But in office, people can wear clothes of their choice, in school one has to wear clothes according to the rules. In a school in England (Boy wear skirt to school), there was a rule that students cannot come wearing shorts. It was very hot and a 13-year-old boy decided that he would go in shorts only. But when the teacher refused to let him come, he did such a thing to show rebellion that everyone was surprised. The boy reached school wearing a girl’s skirt.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, this incident is from June last year. There is a school in Manchester (England), Marple Hall School. A letter was sent to the students by the school regarding uniform. It was written in the letter that the girl students who wear skirt uniform can wear tights or long socks underneath it because it is very hot in June, so they can change their clothes accordingly. However, no change was made in the letter regarding the uniform of boys.

The school had rules only for girls, not for boys. (Photo: Men Media)

Child sent back from school for wearing shorts
According to Manchester Evening News website, the same letter was sent to the home of 13-year-old Bodhi. On two occasions, he changed his uniform according to the heat, but both times he was sent back home because he was wearing the wrong uniform. Bodhi’s elder sister, 20-year-old Taylor Gillan told the news website that one day the boy went to school without his blazer, but he was sent home with instructions to return wearing it. The temperature was 30 degrees Celsius that day and there was no need to carry a blazer.

The child arrived at school wearing a skirt
Then one day the child went to school wearing shorts instead of trousers because it was very hot. He was turned away that day too. Due to the heat, the parents had again received a new mail from the school, in which girls were allowed to wear shorts without tights, and they were also allowed to wear short socks. The child felt that he should also get this exemption. When he was turned away from school for the second time, he got angry and asked his mother to get a skirt for girls, because due to the heat he wanted to wear a skirt, under which there was no need to wear shorts.

Other children also started wearing skirts
Then one day he went to school wearing a skirt. After that no teacher in the school could stop him because he was wearing the uniform and according to the rules it was not decided that only girls could wear skirts, not boys! Later the school clarified in a statement issued by them that they want to give equal facilities to every student, but wearing only shorts is not a part of the uniform, and they want students to come to school in uniform. Seeing Bodhi, some other students also started wearing skirts.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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