The trend of egg freezing is increasing continuously know its advantages and disadvantages

The trend of egg freezing is increasing continuously know its advantages and disadvantagesThe trend of egg freezing is increasing continuously know its advantages and disadvantages

Egg freezing: Today’s era is the era of science. In this era, it has become very easy to diagnose any problem with the help of modern technology. Even if the problem is not to produce a child. Due to busy lifestyle and many social problems, there are many women in today’s era who are struggling with reproductive problems, due to which it is not easy for them to have a child in old age. In the event of this condition, helpful reproductive techniques including egg freezing such as reproductive medicines, hormonal medicines, or in vitro fertilization (IVF) help women. Doctors say that many women freeze their eggs between 20 and 30 years to increase their biological cycles.

What is egg freezing

Egg freezing is also called OOOSE Cryoprition. This is a process where eggs of a woman are removed, freeze and stored for pregnancy in the future. It helps women to maintain their reproduction capacity until ready for pregnancy.

How is egg freezing

First of all, the woman has to seek the advice of a fertility expert. Subsequently, the woman is given hormonal treatment so that egg production can increase. Then this egg is examined.

What is the right age to freeze egg freeze

According to experts, the best age to freeze egg is often 30 to 34 years. This is because egg quality and quantity usually range from early to 30 age, which can increase the chances of conceiving. As the age of women increases, especially after 35 years, they start declining.

Should Egg freeze at the age of 20

Experts say that the egg does not get much benefit from freezing freeze i.e. 20 years. This increases the cost of freezing. Doctors say that this can be a good option for a woman. This increases fertility but when it should be done, it requires the right advice.

How safe egg freezing

Experts say that it is usually safe to freeze eggs. It contains some light side effects such as swelling or hormone therapy changes in mood. Its risk is very low. This is the reason why there is a lot of demand for age freezing.

How much does age freezing cost

According to experts, the cost of age freezing can be from 1.5 lakh to 2.5 lakhs annually. Its cost can be done according to different centers. However, for how long it is kept, it can also increase the cover of egg freezing.

Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.

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