The wedding preparations were complete, then the fiance made a joke, then the woman did something like this, the groom was surprised

Not getting married may not seem as strange as breaking up a marriage. Often, at the last moment, a marriage breaks due to some hidden matter of the boy or girl being revealed. In India, this often happens due to sudden demand of dowry, but a woman has narrated a unique incident on social media, in which she has told that due to a joke of her fiance, she took such a step which completely upset the fiance. Was surprised, even though almost all the preparations for the wedding had been done.

The fiance of this divorced woman had proposed only three months ago. She was also very excited about her marriage and had planned the wedding ceremony in detail. The fiance had left the responsibility of all the preparations to the future wife. The woman told that she regretted it a bit, but at the same time she had got complete freedom for her preparation.

While discussing about the wedding ceremony, the fiance jokingly said that he had done a good thing by getting engaged to the woman. Further, he did not marry the woman himself but she seduced him and he was trying to enjoy his last days of freedom because she had trapped him in marriage.

The woman says that her fiance became very sad due to her action. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

This divorcee did not like this joke at all. She told that she felt very bad after hearing all this because her hard work in preparing for the marriage did not get the attention it should have. So he decided to cancel the wedding ceremony at that time. The woman said that he was not ready for marriage and she did not want to marry a man who was not enthusiastic about getting married.

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Wedding invitations were not sent. So he canceled the ceremony before it turned out to be a costly mistake. The fiance felt that the woman had taken his joke too seriously and also said that such jokes were very common. While this decision of the woman seemed right, the fiance was very sad about it. After reading this story, people justified the woman’s action.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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