The woman eats the mattress of the house by scratching it, since the age of 5, did not even leave the car seat!

Woman eats sponge of mattress and car seats: Many times we do not like the eating habits of the people around us. Although it is good for them but others may feel bad. By the way, there are many people who are addicted to eating soap, chalk or even soil. They need counselling, but if we tell you about a woman who eats the sponges used to fill the mattress, you will surely be shocked.

The woman has a bad habit of eating sponge since childhood. The condition is that he has eaten up the mattresses of the house and the family members keep their mattresses hidden from him. Hardly you would have heard such a habit of someone before. If after doing this in childhood, she would have been cured when she grew up, then it would not have mattered, but even after being sensible, this woman is helpless in the hands of her addiction.

Uprooting the mattress the woman eats
America’s Jennifer told about her strange addiction in TLC’s show ‘My Strange Addiction’. She says that she used to eat about one square feet of mattress during the day. After this she started eating mattresses for other family members as well. He doesn’t need mayonnaise, butter or sauce, he likes plain sponge. This habit of his started from the age of 5. She uprooted the sponge from the car seat and ate it and she liked it and started eating the mattress. It is not that Jennifer does not know about its side effects, but she is compelled by the habit.

Even after being sensible, this woman is helpless in the hands of her addiction. (Credit- YouTube / TLC)

There are such addictions in the world…
Jennifer knows that this habit can harm her health. Eating sponge can cause a lot of damage to their liver and intestines. The intestines can get blocked, due to which there is a danger of dying, yet they are not able to give up their habit. However, now they want to eliminate it from the root. It is not that Jennifer is the only victim of such a strange habit, before this the story of a man named Michelle came to light, who used to eat glass and metal.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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