The world’s biggest robbery, the President’s son himself was involved, so much money was stolen that a person would get tired of counting!

Whenever you have watched Indian or foreign films related to theft or robbery, you must have had only one thought in your mind that what would happen if this happens in reality? Although theft and robbery are not imaginary crimes, in reality such cases keep coming to light every day. But have you ever wondered what would be the biggest robbery in the world? Today we are going to tell you the story related to the same robbery which shook the whole world.

Under the News18 Hindi series Ajab-Gajab Gyaan, we bring for you such unique information related to the country and the world which surprises anyone. Today we will talk about the world’s biggest robbery. Actually, someone has asked on the social media platform Quora, which is the biggest robbery in the world? (Biggest bank heist) Some people have answered this. Let us tell you what the answer is.

This robbery took place in Iraq. (Photo: Canva)

Neither gun, nor use of force…theft was done!
The year was 2003. It was March 18 and the very next day America was about to launch an attack on Iraq. According to the website, the world’s biggest theft took place on this day, however, some people do not consider it theft because it is the right of the President (Saddam Hussein). Some people reached Iraq’s largest bank, the Central Bank of Iraq, which was located in Baghdad, with a slip in their hands. There they gave a slip to the bank manager, on which it was written that the President wanted the country’s money to be sent to safe places before the American attack. As soon as the bank employees heard the name of Saddam Hussein, they became frightened and immediately did the same.

8 thousand crore rupees stolen
All the money immediately started being loaded into the trucks parked outside. There was so much money that there was a shortage of trucks. Then the thief left some money in the bank and went away. The surprising thing is that this entire theft lasted for about 5 hours, but the entire theft was carried out without the fear of weapons. Later, when it was found out that Saddam Hussein had not issued any such order, everyone was shocked. When investigation was done, it was found that the person who brought the slip was none other than Saddam’s son Qusay Hussain and his associates. Later the bank released figures, which revealed that Rs 8 thousand crores had gone missing in that theft. After some time, America also killed Kuse in an attack. But a large part of this theft was never found.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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