The world’s most poisonous fish, can destroy an entire city with a drop of poison, if touched, death is certain!

There are many food lovers who like to eat fish. Especially seafood lovers have knowledge about different types of fish and they express their likes and dislikes. However, sometimes mistakes are made and the fish proves to be fatal. Today we will tell you about one such poisonous fish, whose poison has no cure.

There are many fishes but there is one fish which does not become food for others but can kill even the best of people with its poison. You can guess this by the fact that anyone can be killed just by touching it. The name of this fish is Stonefish. It has been given this name because of its look because it looks exactly like a stone.

Which is the most poisonous fish in the world?
Someone raised a question on the online discussion platform Quora – Which fish has a stronger poison than cyanide? The answer to this question is Stone Fish. If anyone even touches this stone-like fish, his life is in danger. Due to its stone-like appearance, people are unable to identify it and become its prey. As soon as any creature comes in contact with it, it dies due to the poison released from its body. Even if one accidentally steps on it, death is certain. Actually, a poison called neurotoxin comes out from the body of the stone fish, which becomes the reason for people’s death.

A drop of poison is stronger than cyanide…
According to experts, if someone gets affected by the poison of this fish, death is certain. The only way to avoid it is to cut off the part which has come in contact with the poison as soon as possible. The speed of its poison is also very fast. Its poison starts coming out in just 0.5 seconds. If a drop of stone fish poison is mixed in the drinking water of a city, then the entire city will die.

Tags: Amazing news, Amazing facts, Weird news

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