The world’s most unique mine, a common man can dig diamonds, after finding a diamond he can become its owner!

Imagine what would happen if you dig somewhere and find a diamond? Of course, your luck can change overnight and you can suddenly become rich. But the question arises that to find diamonds one has to dig in their mines, and only those people can go there in whose name that mine is. But imagine if there is such a mine, where a common man can go and dig..? One such mine is present in America (USA diamond mine for public). Here you can go alone or with family and then search for diamonds in the mine.

So far 35 thousand diamonds have been discovered here. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

According to the Arkansas State Parks website, there is a diamond mine in the US state of Arkansas (Arkansas, USA) named Crater of Diamonds State Park. This is a very unique mine because this place is open to the common man. That means you can go here and dig and find diamonds (Diamond mine India). Whatever diamond you find here, you will have the right on it. That means there is no need to hand over that diamond to anyone else. Along with diamonds, people can also find and keep many other types of gemstones here.

People can also rent tools for digging here. (Photo: Twitter/@jiexon123)

This unique mine is present in America
This is a ground spread over 37 acres where people dig in volcanic craters. People going here are first given information about diamonds and then told how to search for them. Here you can bring a shovel etc. with you for digging or you can rent one here, but there is a ban on bringing battery or electric tools. Let us tell you that earlier the name of this place was Crater of Diamond. In 1972 it became an Arkansas State Park. Till now 35 thousand types of diamonds have been discovered here. A 40.23 carat diamond named Uncle Sam has been discovered here, which is the largest diamond ever discovered in America. Apart from this, diamonds of 16.37 carat, 15.33 carat and 8.52 carat were also found here.

Excavator equipment can be rented
Visitors coming here can also enjoy picnic at this place. There are gift shops, tent sites and a Diamond Spring water park. Let us tell you that people get a chance to go to the park by paying Rs 1,000. Apart from this, tools are available here for 5-5 dollars with which digging is done. Well, this is not the only place in the world where people can go to dig and collect diamonds. In India, a place named Panna is in Madhya Pradesh where there is a diamond mine. Here also you can buy a lease and pay a few rupees as fees and then dig diamonds. If you find a diamond then you have to hand it over to the administration. The administration examines it, checks its carat and then auctions the diamond. From the money raised in the auction, you get the remaining money from the auction after deducting the royalty.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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