The world’s strangest ‘metal’, electricity flows in it like water, even scientists don’t know the reason!

Strange Metals: A very strange phenomenon has been observed in the nanowire made of the world’s strangest ‘Strange Metals’. Electricity flows in them like water. This strange phenomenon has puzzled scientists for years. Till now they have not been able to know what is the reason for this happening. Let us know what these ‘strange metals’ are.

According to the report of Live Science, scientists have observed electricity flowing like a fluid inside a strange group of metals. This incident has surprised him. Researchers have published their study regarding these ‘strange metals’ in the Science Journal on 23 November. For them Experiments conducted in nano-sized wires made of ‘strange metals’ show that electricity no longer travels in groups of electrons. This refutes one of the most fundamental assumptions scientists have about how metals behave.

What are ‘Strange Metals’?

‘Strange metals’ are a class of materials that exhibit unusual properties at high temperatures and/or high pressures. They are a state of matter found in many quantum materials, including some superconductors. ‘Strange metals’ are named because of the strange behavior of their electrons. When electricity passes through them, the electrons behave strangely, which is completely different from normal metals.

Strange metals become superconductors at very low temperatures, which means they have zero resistance to the flow of electrons. In these the electrons act as a unit, not independently as they do in a regular metal.

Strange metal behavior was first discovered in 1986 in a group of materials called cuprates. Cuprates are known for their superconducting properties. At the same time, Ytterbium, Rhodium and Silicon are such elements, by mixing which a ‘strange metal’ can be made, through which electricity also flows like water.

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