‘There is a camera in the room, if I make a mistake, they beat me…’ 20-year-old girl reached the police station and slandered her parents!

Many times parents do not understand that there is a basic difference between their caring and controlling behaviour. Parents who understand this, their children have a good life, otherwise they create a toxic environment for their children and they themselves do not realize it. A similar interesting incident has come to light from neighboring country China.

According to the report of South China Morning Post, a 20-year-old girl went straight to the police station with a complaint against her parents. She also said that she could have run away if she wanted, but she wanted to tell them all this first and then run away so that she is not found. She told such things about her parents to the police that they were stunned to hear them.

They don’t let me live in peace at home…
This incident is from Beijing, the capital of China. Here, a 20-year-old student studying in the second year of university reached the police station. She told that her parents have installed a surveillance camera in her room. Whenever she makes a mistake, they beat her and throw her phone on the floor. She told that she does not want to live with such toxic parents. In such a situation, she wants to stand on her own feet by finding a part-time job. The girl also told that she has come to the police because after her departure, her parents will definitely file a missing report. Since she is telling everything first in the police station, no scene will be created by this.

Police reached the girl’s house
After listening to the student’s entire story, the police officer said that her parents were expressing their concern in the wrong way. He called the parents and told them to give their daughter more space and respect her. The parents also agreed to remove the camera from the daughter’s room and returned her phone to her. This incident is going viral on social media and people are calling this kind of parenting toxic.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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