There is a huge reserve of diamonds on this planet, research revealed a shocking thing

We all know how expensive diamonds are on earth . The price of a diamond is in crores. If someone tells you that there is a planet where there are only diamonds, what would be your reaction? ? Actually, this shocking revelation has been made in a recent research. It has been found that there is a planet in space where there is a huge reserve of diamonds. .

There is a diamond reserve on this planet

According to a report by Live Science, A recent study has revealed that a thick layer of diamonds can be found hundreds of miles below the surface of Mercury.

Center for High in BeijingA scientist at the Center for Advanced Research in Pressure Science and Technology and co-author of the studyAuthor Yanhao Lin explains that Mercury’s extremely high carbon content made me realize that maybe something special has happened inside it. The first planet in our solar system has a magnetic field, although, It is much weaker than the Earth. In addition, NASA’s Messenger spacecraft has discovered unusually dark areas on Mercury’s surface, which he identified as graphite, a type of carbon.

What was the scientists’ estimate

A team of Belgian and Chinese researchers used carbon, Prepared a chemical soup using silica and iron. This mixture, which resemble several types of meteorites in composition, These babies are thought to resemble Mercury’s magma ocean. Also, Researchers isolated iron sulfide in these soupsAdded different concentrations. Mercury’s sulfur todayBased on rich surface, They realized that the magma ocean was also rich in sulfur.

Scientists have found multipleChemical mixtures are pressed using an anvil press 7 gigapascals, or the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere at sea level crushed at 70,000 times greater pressure . These harsh conditions reflect conditions deep within Mercury. In addition to recreating the physical conditions under which graphite or diamond would be stable, the researchers also studied the presence of a large molecule of ions in Mercury’s coreComputer models are used to obtain more accurate measurements of temperature and pressure near the mantle boundary. Mr. Lin claims that these computer simulations provide information about the basic structures of the planet’s interior.

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