There Is A River In India Where Gold Flows What Does Science Say And How Different Is Religious Belief From This

Many rivers in India hold secrets within them, on one hand these rivers provide us with plenty of pure water and on the other hand, bathing in many rivers is considered an act of virtue. Apart from these, do you know that there is a river in India where gold flows? You must be shocked to hear this, right? Actually, we are talking about the Swarnarekha river flowing in Jharkhand. This river flows in Jharkhand which is spread over an area of ​​474 kilometers. People come from far and wide to see it.

Where does gold come from in the river?
Gold particles flow with water in the Swarnarekha River, hence it got the name Swarnarekha. This river flows about 16 kilometers away from Ranchi. Whose length is 474 kilometers. This river flowing in Jharkhand also passes through some areas of Uttarakhand, West Bengal and Odisha.

If the question is arising in your mind that where does the gold come from in the water of this river, then geologists believe that this river passes through many rocks. During this time, due to friction, the gold particles would dissolve in water and they would start flowing with the river water.

What does the story of Mahabharata period say?
However, the religious reason for gold flowing in this river is completely different from the scientific reasons. According to the Mahabharata period, Rani Chua, the origin place of Swarnarekha, which has existed amidst the natural beauty for thousands of years, has its own history. It is said that Pandavas had spent some time here during their exile. During this time, Kunti, the mother of Pandavas, felt thirsty and asked her sons to bring water. But, no source of water was found there. After this, Mother Kunti ordered her son Arjun and then Arjun shot an arrow and took out holy water from the underground, with this water coming out from the ground, Mother Kunti quenched her thirst.

It is believed that the speed of the arrow shot by Arjun was so high that small gold particles also started coming out along with this pure holy water. From that time this river came to be known as Swarnarekha Chunga. Due to the arrow shot by Arjun, the speed of water coming out from it was so fast that it became a river. Later it became famous by the name of Swarnarekha, the longest river of Jharkhand state. Even after the passage of time, the water of this river never decreased and is still flowing continuously.

Also read: After all, what is there in Chinese Manjha, which is banned in many cities… How is it made?

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