There is a shop in jail too, prisoners can buy these things there! Know from where do you get the money then?

It is sure that the prisoners are punished for wrongdoing in the jail, but their human rights are fully taken care of in the jail. Prisoners are also given necessary facilities in jail and their mental condition is taken care of. You know about food, religious freedom in jail, but do you know that there is also a shop in jail, from where prisoners can buy goods. Yes, prisoners can buy goods from the jail shop and the goods are also bought by paying money. 

But the question is, what kind of goods are available at these shops, which the prisoners buy and Along with this, the question is that from where the prisoners get the money to buy goods. In such a situation, today we give you the answers to every question related to the jail shop, so that you will be able to understand the meaning of the jail shop. So know about the jail shop…

What is a shop in reality?

Actually, some jails have a canteen for the prisoners, from where the prisoners can also Can buy stuff. Only some limited items are available in this canteen and apart from this, some rules have been set regarding buying and selling of items. It is like a store from where prisoners can buy goods. 

How to buy goods?

Now let’s talk about how to buy goods from these shops. To buy these goods, separate coupons are given to the prisoners and goods can be purchased through these coupons. It is not that goods should be bought in jail with Indian currency. There are only coupons for this and you cannot use money. Keeping money in jail is considered a crime. In this case, coupons are given to buy goods. 

Actually, the money spent in jail is in the form of coupons and they are of different values. These jail coupons are like old fashioned cinema tickets and they are of value 1, 2, 5, 10, 20. They are also given in exchange of earnings by working in jail and some can be given by the family members.

Then what can be bought from it?

Daily canteen is available in this jail canteen. Used goods are available. Many things like prisoner soap, toothpaste, innerwear can be bought from here. In this case, coupons are used to make purchases for these items. 

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