There Is A Unique Law In This Village Of India If You Touch Anything You Will Be Fined Heavily

There are many such villages in India which still follow their own rules and regulations. There is one such village in Kullu district of Shimla whose name is Malana. This village has its own rules… which have to be followed by the tourists coming to this village. Among these laws, there is one such law which is the most bizarre, if you do not know about this law before entering the village then you may be in trouble. Actually, this is the law not to touch anything… The complete information about this law is pasted on a board outside the village, which is necessary for everyone to read. It is written in this notice that if you touch something in the village then how much fine will be imposed on you.

What is Malana village law

After going to this Malana village, if you touch something, then a fine ranging from Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,500 can be imposed on you. The rules here are so strict that tourists cannot even touch the goods of the shop. If you go to this village and buy something from a shop there, the shopkeeper will not hand over the goods to you, but will keep the goods outside the shop.

This village had its own constitution

One special thing about this village of Shimla is that it used to have its own constitution in history. According to this constitution, this whole village used to run and even today many rules of this constitution are followed here. It is said that this village has the oldest democracy in the world. When you go to this village surrounded by hills, you will get a different feeling, on seeing the people here and their ways, you will feel as if you have come to a different world.

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