There was a debt of 22 thousand on her head, to escape, the woman got her son to ‘murder’ her own!

Woman Plays Dead for Facebook Photos: Nowadays it is the time of social media. Every small and big activity of a human being or should we say that things from birth to death are known to others only through social media. You must have seen that even the first photo of the birth of a child is posted on social media, then the pictures of the last darshan are also seen there. Taking the help of this custom, a woman announced her death on the social networking site Facebook because she could not repay her loan.

You have rarely heard such an incident before, in which someone spread the news of his death with evidence. A woman living in Indonesia declared herself dead on Facebook to avoid a debt of just 22 thousand. He also got this post sent to his son along with the photo. Seeing the photo, hardly anyone would be able to guess that the woman is not dead but alive, this photo has been clicked by putting cotton in her nose.

The woman had a debt of 22 thousand
The name of this woman from Indonesia is Liza Dewi Pramita, who had a debt of 4.2 million Indonesian rupees i.e. 22 thousand rupees ($268) in Indian currency. She had already got the deadline to repay this loan, but when she could not repay the loan till the second deadline, she got the idea of ​​death. The woman took some photographs wearing her shroud and putting cotton in her nose and got her son to post them on Facebook. Lisa had borrowed money from a woman in the online group, after not returning it, she posted the news of her death.

He also got this post sent to his son along with the photo. (Credit- Facebook / Maya Gunawan)

This is how the secret of ‘death’ was revealed
At first the woman did not doubt, but when she came to know about the funeral of the woman far away from Lisa’s house, she found the matter a bit strange. When he looked carefully at the Facebook photos, he found it all suspicious. Finally, when he came face to face with Lisa’s son and questioned him, he came to know that this whole drama was to escape the debt. That thing is different that even after all this, Lisa is still not known and the woman has not been able to get back the money she had lent.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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