These 12 plants and 5 animals are feeding 400 crore people, 75% of the food comes from these, do you know their names?

If someone tells you that only 12 plants and 5 animals are feeding the world, you would hardly believe it. But this is 100 percent true. 400 crore people of the world depend on these few plants and animals to satisfy their hunger. If these do not exist then it will become difficult for humans to live. It will be difficult to fill the stomach. Because more than 75 percent of the food comes from these. You might know the names of most of these, but some names are also shocking.

According to the report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO database), there are more than 3 lakh species of plants present in the world. But there are only 30 thousand species which humans can think of eating. Out of these, 7 thousand species have been cultivated by humans at one time or the other. Sometimes for food and sometimes to meet the needs of agriculture. But the number of such species is only 255, around which the food cycle of humans runs. Of these, there are only 12 plants which feed 61 percent of humans. These include wheat, rice, maize, sugarcane, soya, potato, palm oil, cassava, sweet potato, peanuts, millets and sorghum.

Man eats 59 types of fruits
Wheat, rice, maize, sugarcane and potatoes are used in most of the houses in India also. Wheat is the most consumed grain in the world. Because bread is made from it and biscuits are also made from it. Similarly, rice is also used in second place. Maize and potatoes are a part of every household. Sugar is made from sugarcane, which is used in every household. According to the report, humans eat 26 types of grains, 17 types of roots, 26 types of pulses, 44 types of vegetables and 59 types of fruits.

Only 4 things will be available even in the supermarket
If you go to the supermarket and try to search, you will find only things made from 4 products wheat, sugarcane, rice and maize. Most of the food products are made from these. Because these crops are rich in carbohydrates and proteins. After this comes the matter of the most eaten animals. These include chicken, cow, buffalo, goat and pig. You will be surprised to know that only these 5 creatures feed 14 percent of the world’s people. People use their meat, milk and poultry products for food. Many products are made from these. Even in medicines they are used extensively.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news

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