These 3 spices are miracles for diabetic patients, blood sugar will be controlled, there is a treasure hidden in the kitchen boxes.

3 Super Spices For Diabetic Patient: Diabetes is such a lifestyle related disease, which once it occurs, remains with it for life. In such a situation, it becomes very important for all diabetic patients to keep their blush sugar level regular. Excessive increase or irregularity of blood sugar level can increase many types of complications. Lifestyle and healthy diet play an important role in controlling type-2 diabetes. Today we are going to tell you about three such spices, which are lying in the boxes of your kitchen, but they can prove to be very effective in diabetes management. According to nutritionist and writer, Kavita Devgan, these three spices can prove to be excellent for diabetic patients.

Let us tell you which are these three spices.

Cinnamon controls blood sugar level spike.

Cinnamon – Whenever we eat something, the blood sugar level of our body spikes. Cinnamon is helpful in preventing this surge in blood sugar level. It contains compounds (cinnamaldehyde) that can help reduce insulin resistance and inflammation. You can include cinnamon in your diet by using it in your tea, porridge and tadka. You can use cinnamon in almost every baking recipe.

Black pepper – Black pepper contains a compound called ‘piperine’. Because of this, it proves useful in improving insulin sensitivity and keeping blood sugar levels low. You can use black pepper in curry, soup, tea, sauce etc.

Fenugreek seeds and black pepper are also good for diabetic patients.

Fenugreek – Fenugreek seeds also prove to be effective in reducing blood sugar level spike. This serum can also help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. Talking about the use of fenugreek in food, you can use it in tadka. Apart from this, soak 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds overnight and take it with water the next morning. This also proves beneficial for diabetic patients.

Tags: Diabetes, food, Lifestyle

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