These countries have the highest debt in the world, two call themselves superpowers

Many countries of the world are running their economies by taking loans, but do you know which country has the highest debt in the world? If not, then maybe you will be shocked to know the first name of this list, in fact America is the country which is most immersed in debt in the world. So let us know which other names are included in this list and how much debt they have.

How much debt does America have?
America, which calls itself a superpower, is the most debt-ridden in the world. Let us tell you that America will have a debt of 34 thousand billion dollars by 2024. Which is 137 percent more than its GDP. Besides, this loan is also estimated to increase by 137 percent in the coming 4 years. This debt is more than that of any developed or developing country.  

How much debt does each country have?
After America, China comes second in terms of debt. China, which calls itself a superpower, is also burdened with debt and this country had a debt of 3.10 trillion dollars in 2013, which is now expected to increase.

Japan’s name is at number three in this list. Japan has a debt of 10 trillion dollars. Japan has 239 percent debt compared to its GDP. Whereas in terms of debt, France’s name comes at fourth place. This country has a debt of 3 trillion dollars which is 7 percent more than its GDP.

How much debt does India have?
Now you are wondering how much debt India will have in this list, then let us tell you that our country India had a debt of 2.70 trillion dollars by 2023. Which is 81 percent of our GDP. At the same time, Pakistan had a debt of 2.34 trillion dollars till last year, which is more than 76 percent of its GDP.

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