These Foods Are Responsible For Increasing Weight Of Your Child

Child Health:Nowadays obesity is being seen in children. It is not only obesity but can also invite many diseases. Most parents believe that it can be cured by making children exercise, but research says that diet is responsible for obesity in children. It is necessary to fix it on time. You are feeding some such things everyday to your child due to which their obesity is increasing and at the same time they are on the verge of falling prey to many diseases. Let us know which are the foods that parents should ignore or give in very limited quantity.

Soft Drinks: Children like to drink soft drinks very much, while it can prove to be slow poison for children. Along with having high amount of sugar in it, the amount of calories is also in liquid form. It has been found in many studies that the body absorbs liquid calories more, so it can lead to rapid weight gain. Its consumption can disturb the natural weight by increasing the calories in children and children can become obese.

Packaged Foods: Stop your child from eating packaged food, these include juices, chips, chocolates, which are very tempting for children, but all these things can cause weight gain, they are high in calories, sugar, refined carbohydrates, artificial chemicals, and nutrients and The amount of fiber is less, and a decrease in the amount of fiber in any food item can affect your digestive power. According to a report, the consumption of processed and packaged food can cause weight gain.

Frozen Food: Frozen food can be prepared quickly, it takes less time. Frozen food has made life very easy, but do you know how big the risk of health problems is because it contains refined carbohydrates, artificial chemicals and sodium. It is found very much, it has high amount of fat, that is why it is high in calories and increases obesity. The amount of protein and vitamins in it is very less. According to research, frozen food is an enemy of health, it can cause weight gain as well as heart disease in the child.

Serials: Children like serials very much. Mothers consider cereals to be a great option for giving quick breakfast to children, but mothers need to know that daily consumption of cereals can harm your children. Cereal Score is prepared with refined grains, it is a highly processed food. It is believed that this can also cause your children to gain weight. According to research, the amount of sugar along with refined carbs in cereals is high. All these factors can be the cause of obesity, diabetes and even heart disease, in the future your children may have to go through many problems.

what to feed babies

Children should be given sprouted grains, moong, gram in breakfast. You can also give fruits. Must include seasonal green vegetables in the diet. This will give them nutrients, apart from this, keep away from too much fat milk, butter or cheese, it will be better to keep away from things like fast food, junk food, kachori, samosa, pizza burger, because this is the right time for your children’s growth. If obesity increases excessively during this time, then the children will fall in the grip of many diseases and this will also cause hindrance in the growth of the children.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: If a little control is kept on the diet, then winter is the best season to become thin… More fat decreases with less effort.

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