These mistakes can increase the risk of miscarriage, correct these mistakes today for a healthy baby.

Miscarriage Causes: Every woman desires to become a mother. This is considered to be the most special feeling and moment but some mistakes can snatch this feeling. Today, due to modern lifestyle, many cases of damage to the baby’s womb are coming to light, which means the risk of miscarriage is increasing. Doctors also advise to exercise caution. They are talking about taking care of right lifestyle, eating habits and health. If you are also planning a child or want to become a mother, then change these 6 habits immediately, otherwise the risk of miscarriage may increase…

1. Late baby plan
According to doctors, planning a baby at an older age leads to less eggs or poor quality eggs being produced in the uterus. Such problems may arise due to baby planning after the age of 30-35. The most common of these is not being able to conceive or having difficulty in it. Even if one somehow conceives, there is a risk of miscarriage. Therefore, one should think of having a child in 25-30 years. The quality of eggs is good at this age.

2. Smoking-alcohol habit
In the modern world, many women are increasingly consuming alcohol and smoking. Due to which the quality of their eggs may deteriorate. Such women not only face difficulty in conceiving, the risk of miscarriage is also high.

3. Wearing high heels
There is no direct relation between heels and pregnancy, but in many cases, in the initial months of pregnancy, women become unbalanced and fall due to wearing heels, due to which the risk of miscarriage is high. Therefore, it should be avoided in the beginning of pregnancy.

4. Hormonal problems
Some hormonal problems can also be responsible for miscarriage. Pregnancy can also be affected by this. Therefore, whenever you plan a pregnancy, first consult a doctor and get all the necessary tests done and then move ahead.

5. Diabetes
Health experts say that diabetes can also cause miscarriage, hence blood sugar level should be controlled. Go to the doctor on time, take the medicines prescribed by him, so that there are no problems.

6. Taking more medicines
Consuming many types of medicines can also be dangerous. Some women keep taking medicines even without need, the risk of miscarriage may be higher in such women. Therefore, take any medicine only on the advice of the doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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